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Meercat On lookout up a tree

Meercats on look out

Adult eagle in flight

What Do I Admire About You…

I admire that you stopped to read my poem

I love your love of my love of words

I like that you take time out of your day

To stop, reflect, perhaps ponder a while

Ah.. but you didn’t stop too long there, or did you?

To ponder I mean.

Time’s a funny thing eh! She seems to usher, seems to urge..

But I digress, tis you we were admiring..

The way your mouth lifts just a touch at the corner

When there is a ghost of a thought, a hint of a smile.

It’s more than attractive, it’s really quite alluring

It draws me into your very being. It delights, Invites…

Yet says it’s a private thought

It’s a knowing smile, you know something I don’t

I was and wasn’t meant to see it

It makes me want to enquire into your mind

I like that..

I want to ask you questions, come to know you

I admire that you cautiously contemplate meaning

That you diligently discern, dissect and distinguish different

dialectic decibels,

Sounds ,vibrations, meaning, Mmm…

Daring me to deliver my diatribe..

You’re smart. Know how I know that?

You have to be smart to recognise how smart I am

I like that about you

You gave me your time

I admire that too in you

Stidwolf August 2005